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May 31, 2024

IT'SUGAR is known for its extensive variety of treats and innovative products. It's a leader in what the company call "sugartainment." Jonathan Schwartz, Vice President of Real Estate and Business Development discusses the brand's latest endeavors, retail strategies, and future plans. The company often seeks locations...

May 24, 2024

James sits down with Deborah Weinswig, CEO of Coresight Research and Ana Leon, Director of Retail Research at Nuveen to chat about the latest trends in retail, real estate, and technology discussed at ICSC Las Vegas 2024. The conversation covers augmented reality, RFID technology, ethnic grocery stores, retail media...

May 17, 2024

Tom McGee, ICSC President and CEO, along with Dana Telsey CEO of Telsey Advisory Group, dive into emerging trends in retail real estate and consumer behavior, focusing on topics such as the impact of supply issues on leasing activity, the rise of omnichannel retailing, and the importance of local boutiques. They also...

May 10, 2024

Sales forecasting is critical for retailers and restaurants. Paul Sill, the head of the Visionary Insights Group at JLL, explains how forecasting models are built and used. The episode also explores how internal and external data, including customer demographics, competitor data, and mobile data, are incorporated into...

May 3, 2024

Keisha Virtue gives the latest data on how retail vacancy rates are affected by high demand and a lack of supply. She explores the shift towards smaller store footprints and the impact of inflation on the construction of new shopping centers. She also touches on the varying expansion and contraction across retail...