Feb 22, 2018
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android
Listen: WhereWeBuy.show
James Cook speaks live from the stage at Retail University in
Atlanta. He talks about how to predict retail's future using
three concepts: time touch and money.
Got a retail question?
Tweet: @JamesDCook
Email: jamesd.cook@am.jll.com
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Feb 15, 2018
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android
Listen: WhereWeBuy.show
Retail researchers can now use big data tools, in the form of billions of anonymous mobile phone pings, to understand who shoppers are and where they are going.
Paige Steers (JLL) and Alan McKeon (Alexander Babbage) explain how this data works...
Feb 1, 2018
Investor sales volume in retail real estate declined in 2017. Janice Sellis and Arielle Einhorn tell us why.
Plus, updates on past episodes: